Joel Einleger spent more than two decades at the AVI CHAI Foundation as Senior Program Officer and Director of Strategy for overnight camp programs, one of the two core areas of focus. He oversaw the foundation’s entry into the field and the growth of its investments there, with particular interest in building connections across programs as well as fostering collaborations among grantees and funders in the field. One of his most satisfying projects was working closely with M² to design a program that could help overnight camps super-charge the impact of their experiential learning activities. Joel spent twenty years as a business executive at companies including Pan Am, the New York Times and Pioneer Electronics, culminating as president of a national marketing services firm. He has an MBA in marketing and finance from the University of Chicago. Since the end of 2019 Joel has been advising families on their philanthropic strategies, covering a diverse range of projects and fields of interest. He feels fortunate to remain closely involved in a volunteer capacity with a number of former AVI CHAI grantee organizations. Joel resides in New York with his wife.