Home For Educators Professional Development Programs

Professional Development Programs

Transformative Cohort Experiences

Equipping educators with academic, innovative, and applicable approaches to values exploration, experiential design and identity development.



Cultivating Resilience

October 7th served as an inflection point in Israel and for the Jewish community worldwide. Rising antisemitism, the war and its impact, the pain that...

Senior Educators Cohort

An international 10-month program that provides outstanding educators with a holistic approach toward the theory and practice of experiential Jewish education.

מבט: אומנות החינוך החווייתי

תכנית ״מבט״ היא תכנית להכשרה מקצועית בת עשרה חודשים המציעה גישה הוליסטית של תיאוריה ופרקטיקה בחינוך החווייתי. התכנית מיועדת לנשות ואנשי חינוך חוויתי מובילים.ות מארגונים...

יתד: סיפור על מסוגלות וחוסן

יתד היא תכנית הכשרה מקצועית בת יומיים וחצי, המעניקה לא.נשי חינוך, בתהליך קבוצתי, כלים לבניית חוסן ובירור ערכי אל מול אתגרי השעה. אירועי אוקטובר 2023...

PAST Initiatives

Chicago Educators Cohort

An 18-month fellowship designed to equip Chicago-based leading educators with cutting edge educational approaches and opportunities for collaboration, innovation, and mentorship.

“M² is the destination for soulful, intellectual, and personal advancement… Through its rigor, ingenuity, and innovative training, M² has lifted the role of Jewish educators. If you’re looking for a community of practice and training in experiential education, M² will be catalytic to your personal and professional growth.”
Andy Kastner
Relational Engagement Circle 1 (2018-2019)
“To work closely with the M² team has allowed me to start to develop the foundations of my organization’s Jewish educational philosophy, which we can build upon for years to come. To be able to focus on this work in a cohort of people who are doing so as well is exactly what sets M² apart.”
Jessy Dressin
18x18 (2021-2022)
“M² created a program that was high-level, methodical, relevant, and that pushed us forward… I had to articulate my goals and my path as a Jewish educator– and it changed my entire trajectory.”
Liron Lipinsky
Senior Educators Cohort 2 (2017-2018) & 18x18 (2021-2022)
“M² provided my team with a beautiful balance of theory and practice… They do an excellent job of balancing different modalities of learning, including interactive learning, chevruta learning, and time for reflection. The learning is serious and sophisticated – and worthy of educators’ time.”
Jason Leivenberg
Power in 2020 (2020)
“I appreciated the rich opportunity to be with wise Jewish educators from all over North America, and to be taught by educators who used many media and modes to teach us. I feel like everyone from teachers, staff to participants, went the ‘extra mile’ to be engaged, to work hard, to be conscientious and diligent.”
Selly Barnathan
Shelly Barnathan
Relational Engagement Circle 2
“From the teachers to the design of the workshops, from the cohort to the flow of the seminars, each flowed into each other with ease and intentionality. I've gained new understandings, values, and the skills to apply them in a playful way.”
Chanie Chein
Relational Engagement Circle 2
“Thank you to M² for allowing me to be present in an environment that is not my norm. The activities for exploring values were top-notch and I am excited to utilize some of the activities with my staff and to think about how to use them with our participants as well.”
Julie Brodsky
Senior Educators Cohort 4
“M² helped me unearth a process that demands an in-depth exploration and articulation of values. This process that I am still learning is now integrated into my professional and personal practice. It is beyond impactful. In addition, I now have a sense of my vision for the Jewish world. What a gift.”
Rabbi Tova Leibovic-Douglas
Senior Educators Cohort 4
“I feel that I identify more strongly than ever before as a Jewish educator, and certainly have a language and tools to apply therein.”
Noach Pawliger
Senior Educators Cohort 4

Meet our Fellows

Teva Director
Senior Educators Cohort
Cohort 8
Comunidad Amijai
Senior Educators Cohort
Cohort 7
Director of Youth Engagement
North Suburban Synagogue Beth El
Senior Educators Cohort
Cohort 4
Educational director
Derech Eretz
Mabat: Senior Educators Cohort Israel
Cohort 2
Business Development Director
Senior Educators Cohort
Cohort 1
Director of Congregational Learning
Temple Sinai Congregation of Toronto
Senior Educators Cohort
Cohort 4
Programming Manager
American Jewish University (AJU)
Senior Educators Cohort
Cohort 8
Academic Director
Beit Prat
Senior Educators Cohort
Cohort 5

Educational Resources

The 18x18 resource kit

What should a Jewish person know, do, and care about – and how can educators guide them? Develop dynamic, goal-oriented plans for your organization with this tactile kit, which includes: 18 poker chips for engaging with the 18×18 Dimensions; 8 dice featuring 46 verbs to explore and activate possible goals; and 18 cards with 54...

Personal Learning Cycle

18×18 Posters

Inspiration Bookmarks

Imagineering Box

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