Home Services for Organizations Innovative Educational Resources

Services for Organizations

Innovative Educational Resources

A good educational resource can transform and enrich Jewish learning experiences. If you are looking for innovative resources and curricula that can excite, uplift, and deepen your Jewish learning experiences – M² can help.

M² creates customized educational resources: curricula; online learning modules; creative posters, cards, workbooks, and more. Covering current content areas, including social justice, Israel education, teen leadership, and more, our resources are learner-centered, engaging, and grounded in Jewish wisdom and values.


You share
your goals with us
We prototype resources
that achieve your goals
Together we test,
experiment and iterate
Your customized resource
is ready to use

Clients stories

ChangeMakers Curriculum

Honeycomb (formerly the Jewish Teen Funders Network) was interested in developing a new, specially designed curriculum to support its work with teen philanthropy.

Inspiring Youth Leadership

The Jewish school in Madrid, Spain knows that their graduating high school students are the future of their community, and need to be prepared for their role. They turned to us to create a curriculum that would help their 10th-12th graders develop their own leadership.

"M² is uniquely able to understand the basic structures needed for youth educational experiences. Their experience in developing resources and working to innovate the field of youth engagement is a crucial asset to strengthening our Jewish community."
Wayne Green
CEO, Honeycomb
Contact us to learn more!

Educational Resources

Chanoch L’naar Posters and Postcards

We asked artists to give their own interpretation to the famous pasuk “Chanoch L’naar al pi Darko”, (Mishlei 22:6) – “educate a child according to their own way.” See their creations and consider how their interpretations interact with your own approach to Jewish teaching and learning

Methodology Cards

Meaning Making Cards

Cocktail Coasters

18×18 magnet set

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