Home Services for Organizations Developing Educational Strategies

Services for Organizations

Developing Educational Strategies

Understanding and articulating your educational needs are critical to realizing your goals and providing your learners transformational experiences. M² can help you map your educational priorities and clarify your organization’s vision, goals, and strategies.

Together, we will work with you to sharpen the Jewish values that are important to you, the methods you employ, and the experiences you curate, so you can move from “this is how we’ve always done it” to “this is how we should do it!”


We listen
to your dreams
We gather
stakeholder guidance
Together we
create a strategy
We sprinkle
some M² creativity
We test the
strategy and iterate
You bring
your dream to life

Clients stories


What educational goals and strategy drive a Jewish organization’s work? What Jewish rituals and activities and what Jewish learning makes a Jewish organization distinctive? At times, Jewish organizations can be so immersed in their work they can benefit greatly from fresh eyes to help them reflect on what they have been doing and to conceive...

Strategies for Shabbat

Everyone knows that Shabbat is supposed to be a central part of an Israel experience. Yet too often staff are intimidated by the ritual components, confused about what Shabbat is really supposed to accomplish, and puzzled about how to make the most of the Shabbat schedule.

Growing Resilience and Responding to Challenges

SEC Alumni Grant recipient Camp Living Wonders (CLW), an organization that serves children with disabilities and their families, wanted to explore how to help parents and families cultivate resilience in their lives.

"It is rare to find colleagues in the field who combine the depth of experience and the sophistication of thought as powerfully as the extraordinary team at M². The insights they shared were invaluable and the changes we made, as a result, had a profound effect."
Steve Jacobson
The Executive Director, Dorot Foundation
"When we worked with M², they made it their business to learn deeply about our organization and helped us define and deliver on our unique purpose. They also identified ways we could collaborate with others in the Jewish educational ecosystem to achieve stronger outcomes."
Becky Voorwinde
Executive Director of the Bronfman Youth Fellowship & M² Board Member
Contact us to learn more!

Educational Resources

Chanoch L’naar Posters and Postcards

We asked artists to give their own interpretation to the famous pasuk “Chanoch L’naar al pi Darko”, (Mishlei 22:6) – “educate a child according to their own way.” See their creations and consider how their interpretations interact with your own approach to Jewish teaching and learning

Methodology Cards

Meaning Making Cards

Cocktail Coasters

18×18 magnet set

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