Home For Educators Research Fellowships Pedagogies of Peoplehood Research Fellowship

Current challenges. Timeless Wisdom.

Pedagogies of Peoplehood Research Fellowship

A paid, ten-month virtual fellowship for master educators to research and develop educational practices that enrich the field of Jewish Peoplehood education and cultivate Jewish collective consciousness.

Join a diverse group of master practitioners to develop new pedagogies of Peoplehood rooted in Jewish tradition, that can help learners and communities cultivate a stronger sense of belonging to the Jewish People. This fellowship welcomes applicants from North America, Israel and across the Jewish World.
To learn about the fellowship's conceptual framework, please read our concept paper:

M² is proud to partner with the Z3 Project in launching the Pedagogies of Peoplehood Research Fellowship.
Applications close

The FELLOWSHIP journey

Explore Pedagogies
Research and develop a pedagogy that is rooted in Jewish practice and relevant today.
Develop New Educational Practices
Develop educational practices and create new resources to share with educators.
Learn in a supportive community
Become part of a community that challenges you, supports you, and that turns learning into love.
Make a Difference
Write a thought paper about your pedagogy to share with the field and influence how Jewish educators teach.

Program Schedule

In-person retreat in NYC
Meet fellows, understand the fellowship arc, articulate your educational worldview and experience Jewish pedagogies in action.

January 29-30, 2025

Chabura Meetings
Diving Deeper into Worldview
What values and visions drive your work as an educator, and what is the educational need that you are seeing in this moment?

February 4, February 18, & March 4, 2025 | 12:00-2:00 ET

Day of Learning
Dive into Research
Learn from the expertise of your faculty and begin the process of research that will turn your worldview into a pedagogy.

March 18, 2025 | 11:00-3:00 ET

Chabura Meetings
Present Research Result and Pedagogy
Share what you have learned from your research and how your pedagogy is an expression of your worldview.

MARCH 25, APRIL 8 & 23, 2025 | 12:00-2:00 ET

Day of Learning
Move into Practice
Learn from inspiring leaders in the field and begin to hone in on your educational practice as it relates to your pedagogy.

May 6, 2025 | 11:00-3:00 ET

Chabura Meetings
Refine Your Practice
Sharpen and experiment with a core practice that is part of your pedagogy.

May 20, June 4 & 17, 2025 | 12:00-2:00 ET

Field Testing
Field-test your pedagogy
Put your practice to the test in an educational context, small group faculty meeting, and make independent revisions to research papers.

July-August, 2025

Day of Learning
Polish your pedagogy
Reconnect with the group and an introduction to educational resource.

September 2, 2025 | 11:00-2:00pm ET

Chabura Meetings
Revisions & Implications
Share the results of your field testing and thoughts about the implications for the field.

September 16; October 21 & 28; November 5 |12:00-2:00pm ET

A closing celebration of our cohort and learnings over the fellowship period

November 18, 2025

Virtual Symposium
Share your pedagogy and educational practices with the field.

Meet the Fellows

Director of Design and Jewish Learning
JDC Entwine
Pedagogies of Peoplehood Research Fellowship
Peoplehood Cohort 1
Manager of Global Jewish Education
The National Library of Israel
Pedagogies of Peoplehood Research Fellowship
Peoplehood Cohort 2
Mikhael Reuven
Director, Israel Education
The Jewish Education Project
Pedagogies of Peoplehood Research Fellowship
Peoplehood Cohort 2
Judaics Coordinator
Pelech Boys High School
Pedagogies of Peoplehood Research Fellowship
Peoplehood Cohort 1
Educational Development Coordinator for English Speaking Countries at Herzog Global
Herzog College
Pedagogies of Peoplehood Research Fellowship
Peoplehood Cohort 2
Rosh Kollel at Ze Kollel
Paideia - The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden
Pedagogies of Peoplehood Research Fellowship
Peoplehood Cohort 2
Vice President for Israel and Reform Zionism
Union For Reform Judaism
Pedagogies of Peoplehood Research Fellowship
Peoplehood Cohort 1
Senior Director of Knowledge, Ideas and Learning
The Jewish Education Project
Pedagogies of Peoplehood Research Fellowship
Peoplehood Cohort 1
Co-Founder & Director
Pedagogies of Wellbeing Research Fellowship
Wellbeing Cohort 2
Aura Chaya
Founder, creative director
Aura Chaya Bitton-Gispan
Pedagogies of Wellbeing Research Fellowship
Wellbeing Cohort 2
Jewish Spirituality Teacher
Mira Weil
Pedagogies of Wellbeing Research Fellowship
Wellbeing Cohort 2
Modern JewISH Couples
Pedagogies of Wellbeing Research Fellowship
Wellbeing Cohort 2
Levine Katz
Founder and Owner of Meshek48
Pedagogies of Wellbeing Research Fellowship
Wellbeing Cohort 2
Senior Rabbi
Temple Jeremiah
Pedagogies of Wellbeing Research Fellowship
Wellbeing Cohort 2
Heilicher Minneapolis Jewish Day School
Pedagogies of Wellbeing Research Fellowship
Wellbeing Cohort 2
The Contemporary Jewish Museum - CJM
Pedagogies of Wellbeing Research Fellowship
Wellbeing Cohort 2
“If you have an educational vision that is stirring within you that you are eager to express, and you are looking for a cohort of fellow educators who are creative and reflective and can help you bring that vision to fruition, M² is for you. The fellowship is a community of educators who will push you to develop your best work.”
Dasee Berkowitz
Jewish Pedagogies Research Fellowship, Cohort 2
Independent Facilitator, Educational Consultant, Author
“There is a degree of humility and incrementalism in education work. However, one of the things that M² has provided is a community of fellows with whom you can be bold. You can try something new without having to immediately worry about offending anyone or pleasing everyone.”
Rabbi Jesse Paikin
Jewish Pedagogies Research Fellowship, Cohort 2
Master's Candidate in Clinical Psychology, Education & Spirituality: Teachers College, Columbia University
“With M², I was able to share ideas; receive feedback from experienced educators of different backgrounds, and build a great community together. I was able to reflect on my pedagogy and teaching practices, develop professionally, and consider why I do the things I do.”
Daniel Abramson
Jewish Pedagogies Research Fellowship, Cohort 2
Curriculum Development Director, Tikkun Project


Our experienced and innovative facilitators will support, challenge, and guide you on your fellowship journey.
Adjunct Faculty
Chief Strategy Officer, M²
Program Operations Director


To request more information for the upcoming program, please submit your email address below. We’ll be in touch shortly.

Fellows will receive $2000 over the course of the fellowship. They will receive $1000 after submitting the first draft of their research paper and $1000 after submitting their final draft and resource.
Minimum of 12 years of experience in Jewish education or experiential Jewish education
Students, space, and setting in which to experiment with your pedagogy and practice
Proven track record as an excellent Jewish educator across multiple settings
Experience in and passion for research and inquiry
Ability to articulate diverse viewpoints about education and other disciplines’ impact on education
Excellent written and oratory skills
Ability to express how education at large, and Jewish education in particular, can meet the challenges related to Jewish Peoplehood today
Work has an explicit relationship with Jewish peoplehood/Jewish education.


The application for the 2025 fellowship is September 1, 2024.

In order to maximize the gain from the program and from the combined wisdom in the room, we expect fellows to fully participate in all aspects of the program; however, you can miss up to two sessions for an unexpected circumstance.

We believe in creating ideologically pluralistic spaces. The cohort will include participants of all backgrounds.

After the completion of the Pedagogies of Peoplehood Research Fellowship, fellows will share their work with the larger Jewish educational field during an online symposium that they will help develop.

This program is a living laboratory of Jewish Peoplehood and as such we welcome Jewish Educators from across the globe, providing they are able to meet at midday ET.

Apply here. Please expect to invest at least two hours to complete the application. You are welcome to work on the essay questions in advance, which can be found here.

The fellowship is designed for you to take time to reflect on yourself as an educator. You will also be working with the faculty members, who are immersed in the world of pedagogy and can help you become even more articulate about educational practices and pedagogies.

Fellows will receive $2000 over the course of the fellowship. They will receive $1000 after submitting the first draft of their research paper and $1000 after submitting their final draft and resource.

The program will be conducted in English but for those who feel more comfortable in Hebrew, it will be possible to write their final deliverables in that language. Also, all the faculty speak Hebrew fluently.

M²’s Research Fellowships are run with support from the Covenant Foundation, and Taube Philanthropies.

Pedagogies of Peoplehood Research Fellowship

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