Home Values in Action Certificate Program

Where Timeless Wisdom Addresses Timely Issues

Values in Action Certificate Program

M²’s Values in Action Certificate Course will equip BBYO Community Builders to address many of today’s challenging issues with their learners using a values-based facilitation approach rooted in Jewish ideas and wisdom.

Through a 4-session course, Community Builders will learn how to meaningfully examine values with their learners and use them as a lens to better process contemporary issues they are facing, while supporting their teens׳ Jewish identity development.

Discover the influential power of a Community Builder
Community Builders shape teens’ lives by helping them address the issues they’re confronting with a Jewishly – informed and values-based approach.

Uncover what’s at the heart of the matter
By reorienting contemporary issues through focusing on the values at play and what happens when they’re in conflict with one another, we are able to address what’s actually at the root of the issue.

How You Will Grow

Learn how values can be a helpful lens
in processing today’s complicated issues
Develop confidence
in addressing challenging issues with your teens
Strengthen pride in your Jewish heritage
as an illuminating source of wisdom and relevance
Understand how to authentically
incorporate Jewish ideas and wisdom into your work
Deepen connections
with other Community Builders and educators employing this shared language and values-based approach
Earn a certificate
in the Values in Action approach


Our experienced and innovative faculty will support, challenge and guide you on your fellowship journey.

Lead Faculty and Facilitator
Senior Program Director, M²
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