Home The Book of Ruth series

The Book of Ruth series

August 5, 2021
| Publications

The Story On Our Faces

Our life’s experiences and choices are visible on a person’s face: in the eyes, the lines, and in the expressions. The Torah often associates finding chen as occurring in the eyes of the observer. In a moment, a subtle and powerful shift in a relationship can occur, but it’s not simply a first impression.
August 5, 2021
| Publications

Ruth: Convert or Interfaith Partner?

May we embrace those who choose to be part of the Jewish family whether they have converted or not. It is time that we truly embrace interfaith couples with the message that we love them for who they are and the contributions they make to our community. Ruth and Boaz are our model.
August 9, 2021
| Publications

Blessing Ruth, Blessing Our Daughters

When the townspeople bless Ruth in the name of Rachel and Leah, they are linking her to these women who are paradigms of strength, righteousness and ingenuity. As we bless our daughters, it is as if Ruth, Naomi, Rachel, Leah, and all the townspeople have crowded into our dining room.
August 5, 2021
| Publications

Naomi - Not Your Average Mother-In-Law

Is it possible to be a mother-in-law without being overbearing to your daughter-in-law? Popular western culture would suggest not; But in the biblical book of Ruth, Naomi and her daughter-in-law Ruth provide a different perspective, the possibility of a healthy relationship.
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