Linda A. Hurwitz has inspired people to get involved in Jewish causes in Baltimore and around the country for decades with her warmth, experience, and energy. An exceptional leader and fundraiser, Linda is a past National Campaign chair of The Jewish Federations of North America(JFNA)and a former president and past chair of National Women’s Philanthropy(NWP). She also serves as JFNA’s National Trainer and has spoken in over 120 Federations in North America. Linda cares passionately about the Baltimore Jewish community and has held numerous positions in The Associated: Jewish Federation of Baltimore’s network including a term as Chair of the Board. Previously, she served as the 2009 Campaign chair for The Associated along with every conceivable campaign position. Following her term as Chair of the Board, Linda served as co-chair of The Associated’s Financial Resource Development efforts and Na’aleh: The Hub for Leadership Learning. She is a past president of the Board of Trustees of the Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community Day School. As part of her devotion to Israel, Linda is currently chairing The Associated’s mission to Israel in 2023 in honor of Israel’s 75th Anniversary. As a perpetual learner, Linda is a graduate of the ACHARAI: Shoshana S. Cardin Leadership Development Institute. She has received many awards including the E.B. Hirsh Lifetime Achievement Award and the Israel Bonds Maryland Women’s Division Award. Linda holds an AB from Duke University and an MS from The Johns Hopkins University.