Repair the World

Repair the World


What educational goals and strategies drive a Jewish organization’s work? What Jewish rituals, activities, and learning makes a Jewish organization distinctive?

At times, Jewish organizations can be so immersed in their work they can benefit greatly from fresh eyes to help them reflect on what they have been doing and to conceive of what they might do moving forward given the challenges they’ve been experiencing and the opportunities that lie ahead.


In 2022, after embarking on their organizational goal to reach ‘1 Million Acts of Service by 2026,’ Repair the World asked M² for support developing a Jewish educational strategy to implement alongside their adaptive strategic plan that will inform their work moving forward. They also asked for M² for support developing resources that facilitators of diverse backgrounds and skill levels can use to lead Repair's service programs.


After a discovery and research phase that included interviewing senior staff at Repair the World and exploring past resources, M² collaborated with Repair the World to create a three-year Jewish educational strategy rooted in their particular context and needs. In particular, M² identified Jewish educational goals to animate Repair’s service programs and provided Repair the World with a detailed plan for implementing these goals. The plan focuses on a comprehensive strategy for training facilitators powered by Repair the World’s approach to Jewish service learning with a wide range of Jewish literacy and varying experience as field educators. M² and Repair also developed a unique and customized deck of 38 resources for Repair facilitators and Jewish Service Alliance partners—replete with opening activities to warm participants up to the service experience, Jewish texts connected to pressing social issues; national and local information about different social issues; and closing activities to help participants reflect on the lessons from the service experience. M² and Repair the World ensured the cards reflect a diversity of voices and modalities in order to reach the broadest audience of participants who show up to serve. Our consultancy project with Repair the World, including the educational strategy and the resources, will be used to shape the long-term vision of the organization, and the card deck and resources will soon be used in the field.
Let’s explore how we can work together!
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