Home Resources Pedagogy of Rootedness: Retrieving Rootedness and Building a Sense of Belonging
March 2024

Pedagogy of Rootedness: Retrieving Rootedness and Building a Sense of Belonging

Dr. Dominika Zakrzewska Oledzka
Program Director
Living Bridge Institute for Intercultural & International Affairs
The pedagogy of rootedness stresses the importance of being aware of one’s heritage to create a sense of belonging and connection.

The pedagogy of rootedness responds to the challenge of grounding Jewish youth and individuals joining Jewish communities in the history of Polish Jewry by integrating knowledge of local community history into the broader tapestry of global Jewish history. This educational approach goes beyond the general knowledge of Judaism and emphasizes the importance of discussing topics within the context of local community history. A distinctive feature of the pedagogy of rootedness is the incorporation of artifacts into the educational process. By introducing tangible objects with historical significance, the pedagogy aims to provide a tangible connection to the past. These artifacts, carefully chosen to represent the rich history of local Jewish communities, serve as powerful tools for engaging students and fostering a deeper understanding of the cultural legacy.

Dominika Zakrzewska is a social psychologist, an educator, and Jewish activist, holding PhD in Social Sciences and MA’s in Education and Social Psychology. In 2021 she started post-graduate program in Jewish Nonprofit Management at HUC, Zelikow School of Jewish Nonprofit Management. She is an Executive Director at Beit Polska - The Union of Progressive Jewish Communities in Poland, and an Assistant Professor at the Pedagogical University in Warsaw. Among others, she was a grantee of the Fulbright Slavic Award, World Union for Jewish Studies, Yesod Europe Jewish Professional Development Fund, a Scholar in Residence at the Oxford Summer Institute for the Development of Curriculum in Critical Contemporary Antisemitism Studies, URJ Klal Yisrael Fellow, Mi Dor Le Dor Fellow, Taube Center in Poland. Dominika is passionate for meeting new people and developing international and cross-cultural cooperation and plan to focus her future professional career on strengthening sustainability of Jewish life.


Anava/Humility as a Pedagogy Toward Jewish Peoplehood

Rabbi Aytan Kadden

Teacher and Leadership Team Member
Ort Pelech Boys High School

The pedagogy of humility as taught using chevruta.

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Zakhor: A Pedagogy of Memory

Dr. Samantha Vinokor-Meinrath

Managing Director of Identity, Ideas and Adolescents
The Jewish Education Project

Zakhor is a pedagogy of memory through storytelling and embodied experiences.

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The Pedagogy of Storytelling

Bezawit Abebe

Research Fellow
Be'chol Lashon

The pedagogy of storytelling engages and connects both the storyteller and listener.

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Kaveh: A Pedagogy of Hope

Rabbi Amitai Fraiman

Director, The Z3 Project
Oshman Family JCC

The pedagogy of hope aims to embody the role of hope in Jewish peoplehood and create a shared consciousness.

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Peoplehood Orientation: Nurturing Klal Yisrael Through Torah Study

Laynie Soloman

Associate Rosh Yeshiva & Director of Transformative Leadership
SVARA: A Traditionally Radical Yeshiva

Nurturing Klal Yisrael Through Torah Study

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Speaking Jewish: Using Language to Build Identity and Jewish Peoplehood

Rabbi Josh Weinberg

VP for Israel and Reform Zionism
Union for Reform Judaism (URJ)

“Language is a key to identity and culture.” — Dr. Jeremy Benstein

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