Values in Action

The Values in Action resources help learners move through a compelling values-based experience grounded in Jewish wisdom. Each resource is centered around a particular issue and an animating value; is grounded in an engaging activity and a Jewish anchor, enabling learners to consider how they might take action.
Rega Shel Shtika: How Quieting Fosters Ethical Behavior

Reintroducing practices of silence within Jewish learning communities can foster ethical behavior.
A Jewish Pedagogy of Creative Wellbeing: Connection through Wonder

Embracing the pedagogy of wonder can foster greater understanding and interconnectedness.
Cultivating Curiosity: A Jewish Pedagogy of Wellbeing

The pedagogy of cultivating curiosity allows us to become better versions of ourselves through creativity.

To engage in Regenerative Torah is to enter the relational ring of a personal encounter with the Divine.
Pedagogy of Nuance: Finding Comfort Through Storytelling

The pedagogy of storytelling allows us to value nuance and new perspectives.
A Pedagogy of Cultivating Joy

The pedagogy of cultivating joy nurtures the souls of people who have the job of nurturing the souls of others.
A Pedagogy of ‘Life Meets Text’

Jewish experience is the key to bridging the gap between ancient wisdom and modern content.
Pedagogy of Farbrengen

The Chasidic tradition of farbrengen and the practice of avoda pnimit offer meaning to the modern-day learner.
נענוע (Na’anua): A Pedagogy of Jewish Transformative Movement

Using the transformative power of movement to feed the soul.