Educational Resources

Bold new pedagogies, in-depth research, creative reflections

In our publications, M² fellows and faculty share reflections and innovative educational research. Download and enjoy!

From This Moment. For This Moment.

"From This Moment. For This Moment" is a collection of educational resources designed to transform ideas, voices, and media that are emerging from the war in Israel and the rise in antisemitism, into powerful learning opportunities.

Values in Action

The Values in Action resources help learners move through a compelling values-based experience grounded in Jewish wisdom. Each resource is centered around a particular issue and an animating value; is grounded in an engaging activity and a Jewish anchor, enabling learners to consider how they might take action.

Value Sparks

Value Sparks are interactive educational resources designed with the signature M² approach: experiential activities using multiple modalities; stimulating values explorations through Jewish texts and ideas; presented in a beautiful, ready-to-use platform. Each Spark contains multiple activities, exercises and discussion prompts. Use it in full, or choose a small piece to ignite learning (and fun!) among...

Explore new jewish pedagogies

During M² Research Fellowships, each fellow develops a new educational practice that addresses the contemporary challenges in Jewish education. Explore and use them with your learners and colleagues.

Days of Gratitude

Our Gratitude Collections feature curated educational resources designed to help educators and parents guide their students and families in growing gratitude and resilience, spreading joy, and recognizing what truly matters in life. In these themed collections, you will find a unique and diverse set of activities that will engage your head, heart, hands, and spirit....

Ready to use resources, downloadable cards, facilitator guides

Bring your teaching and learning to life with beautifully designed resources, prompts, guides, worksheets, and more.

M² Methodology Cards

The 18×18 resource kit

What should a Jewish person know, do, and care about – and how can educators guide them? Develop dynamic, goal-oriented plans for your organization with this tactile kit, which includes:...

Value Cards

M²’s Value Cards are designed to guide you in creating a meaningful, experiential educational activity, grounded in Jewish values. The accompanying booklet provides a range of Jewish texts and ideas...

Personal Learning Cycle

This journal’s new format facilitates the meaning-making process for you as an educator. Use this journal to take notes, to capture the richness of your experience, and to make meaning...

18×18 Posters

Get a set of 18 posters that represent the 18 things every Jew needs to do by the time they are eighteen. Great for your office wall!

Inspiration Bookmarks

“Think Outside! No box required,” “Professionalize your passion,” and “Introducing a method to the madness” – carry our bookmarks with you to inspire your educational work.

Imagineering Box

Stick this printable resource on a box and answer this question with a list: what helps you spark your imagination?


A core component of the Jewish Pedagogies Circle is the fellows’ development of a research paper and educational resource. These are the fruits of their labor. We offer them to you to use and explore with your learners and colleagues.

Rabbi Paul Cohen

Cultivating Curiosity: A Jewish Pedagogy of Wellbeing

The pedagogy of cultivating curiosity allows us to become better versions of ourselves through creativity.
Fraidy Aber

A Jewish Pedagogy of Creative Wellbeing: Connection through Wonder

Rabbah Dr. Mira Neshama Weil

Rega Shel Shtika: How Quieting Fosters Ethical Behavior

Devorah Levine Katz

Pedagogy of Nuance: Finding Comfort Through Storytelling

Aura Chaya Bitton-Gispan


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