March 2024


Aura Chaya Bitton-Gispan
Founder and Director
The Harmonium Sanctuary and Retreat Center
To engage in Regenerative Torah is to enter the relational ring of a personal encounter with the Divine.

Regenerative Torah is a pedagogical framework for contemplative/creative praxis that centers an Empowered, Experiential, and Generative relationship with G-d at the core of its educational and spiritual enterprise. Just as the sun rising each day is ubiquitous to the form and function of the universe, Torah is generative in soul and substance—an instrument of proliferation that highlights the way that Humanity and Divinity are in continuous co-creation. Using the catalyzing energy of separateness, Regenerative Torah seeks to resolve the perceptual problem of “exile”, enabling humans to overcome isolation by placing the self in continuous conversation with Source.

Aura Chaya Gispan is a social entrepreneur, Holistic Health Practitioner, experiential educator and poet-performer. She is excited about fostering healing, community, artistic expression, and expanded consciousness through a “pedagogy of personal encounter” with the Divine. She utilizes "call-response" methods linking Jewish and "secular" texts to evoke cathartic expressive arts creations in therapeutic and educational settings. Having trained in a medley of modalities and spearheaded multifaceted organizational initiatives she brings a uniquely visionary and strategic quality to all of her endeavors. She is transitioning from her previous employment on the integrative team at Arbor Intensives Outpatient Program to creating a retreat based healing oasis for individuals and groups in a rural botanical sanctuary in Massachusetts. She is a certified HHP through the Natural Health Institute in Encinitas, California. She is an American (as well as Israeli citizen having made Aliyah in 2013) currently living between Massachusetts and Brooklyn, NY with her husband, Rotem.


Pedagogy of Nuance: Finding Comfort Through Storytelling

Devorah Levine Katz

Founder of Meshek48

The pedagogy of storytelling allows us to value nuance and new perspectives.

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Cultivating Curiosity: A Jewish Pedagogy of Wellbeing

Rabbi Paul Cohen

Senior Rabbi
Temple Jeremiah

The pedagogy of cultivating curiosity allows us to become better versions of ourselves through creativity.

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A Jewish Pedagogy of Creative Wellbeing: Connection through Wonder

Fraidy Aber

The Constance Wolf Director of Education and Civic Engagement
Contemporary Jewish Museum

Embracing the pedagogy of wonder can foster greater understanding and interconnectedness.

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Rega Shel Shtika: How Quieting Fosters Ethical Behavior

Rabbah Dr. Mira Neshama Weil

Founding Teacher

Reintroducing practices of silence within Jewish learning communities can foster ethical behavior.

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A Pedagogy of ‘Life Meets Text’

Rabbi Jen Gubitz

Founder, Educator
Modern JewISH Couples and Temple Shalom of Newton

Jewish experience is the key to bridging the gap between ancient wisdom and modern content.

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A Pedagogy of Cultivating Joy

Jessie Gindea

Interim Head of School and Director of Judaics
Gordon School

The pedagogy of cultivating joy nurtures the souls of people who have the job of nurturing the souls of others.

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