Anava/Humility as a Pedagogy Toward Jewish Peoplehood

The pedagogy of humility as taught using chevruta.
Peoplehood Orientation: Nurturing Klal Yisrael Through Torah Study
Nurturing Klal Yisrael Through Torah Study
Kaveh: A Pedagogy of Hope

The pedagogy of hope aims to embody the role of hope in Jewish peoplehood and create a shared consciousness.
The Pedagogy of Storytelling

The pedagogy of storytelling engages and connects both the storyteller and listener.
Zakhor: A Pedagogy of Memory

Zakhor is a pedagogy of memory through storytelling and embodied experiences.
Pedagogy of Rootedness: Retrieving Rootedness and Building a Sense of Belonging

The pedagogy of rootedness stresses the importance of being aware of one’s heritage to create a sense of belonging and connection.
Who am I? Who are We? Learning About Jewish Peoplehood by Facing Difference and Fostering Belonging

The pedagogy of learning about Jewish peoplehood by facing difference and fostering belonging
The Pedagogy of Interpersonal Hiyuv: What Are Our Obligations to Others?

A pedagogy that asks us to consider what our obligations are to ourselves and others.
Speaking Jewish: Using Language to Build Identity and Jewish Peoplehood

“Language is a key to identity and culture.” — Dr. Jeremy Benstein
The Story of Israel Through Hasidic Storytelling: Bridging Reality and Hope

Learning to tell one’s own Israel story using the Hasidic storytelling tradition.