Home Resources Educational Resources Jewish Pedagogies Resources Contemporary Poetry As A Sacred Jewish Text
January 2022

Contemporary Poetry As A Sacred Jewish Text

Jake Marmer
Education & Programming Director
Bronfman Fellowship Stanford, CA
Learning poetry as sacred text can infuse educational spaces with intimacy and communal connection.

The goal of this pedagogy is, above all, to rekindle our communal relationship with the sacred, to rediscover sacredness on the ground that it is inviting to all who are willing to participate. While the impact of this pedagogy may appear on the surface difficult to measure – can you measure one’s encounter with the sacred via a Google form? – and its effects can seem impossible to capture, in my experience, one of the clearest indicators of the pedagogy’s efficacy is the level of profound connections built by those involved in the learning process. These texts touch us in personal ways, and invite the kind of trust and openness that is less common for educational spaces and is more expected of intimate, communal ones. In our age of increased alienation and loneliness, of ruptured connections, this experience is invaluable. Profound connections to the self, others, and the divine – isn’t that what the encounter with the sacred is all about?

Jake is a poet, performer, and educator. He is the author of three poetry collections, including, most recently, “Cosmic Diaspora” (Station Hill Press, 2020). He is the Education Director of the Bronfman Fellowship and a Contributing Editor at Tablet Magazine. Born in the provincial steppes of Ukraine, he moved to the U.S. as a teenager. He now lives in the Bay Area with his partner and two children.


A Pedagogy of the 48: Connecting Pirkei Avot, LIfe, and Learning

Dr. Gila Silverman

Director of Jewish Lifelong Learning
Siegel Lifelong Learning, Case Western Reserve University

This pedagogy invites participants to consider how the 48 different ways of “acquiring Torah” resonates with them

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L’Shem Yichud: A Pedagogy For the Sake of Integration

Rabbi Jesse Paikin

Executive Director, Base

L’shem Yichud: For the Sake of Integration is a pedagogy based on an ancient practice of intention setting.

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Machloket-i: A Personal, Professional Development Program

Edward Magiste

The Temple Tifereth Israel

Designed as a professional development strategy, this pedagogy of Machloket targets veteran educators asking to develop their teaching and ideas

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Loving Goodness: A Pedagogy through Individuality and Belonging

Charles Herman

Former Executive Director & Founder
The Nesiya Institute

The pedagogy of Loving Goodness explores the tension between self-love and the love of the other

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The Pedagogy of Argument

Robbie Gringras

Co-Founder and Co-Director
For the Sake of Argument

The Pedagogy of Argument seeks to develop learners who are passionate about debates

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Pedagogy of Kinyan Torah: Helping Students Develop Their Own Interpretations of Torah

Ilana Gleicher Bloom

Founder of Mensch Academy at Mishkan Chicago,
Doctoral Candidate in Jewish Education, Coordinator of Pardes Experiential Educators Program

The pedagogy of Kinyan Torah helps educators support all learners to find their own unique Torah within themselves.

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