Home Resources Pedagogy of Kinyan Torah: Helping Students Develop Their Own Interpretations of Torah
January 2023

Pedagogy of Kinyan Torah: Helping Students Develop Their Own Interpretations of Torah

Ilana Gleicher Bloom
Founder of Mensch Academy at Mishkan Chicago,
Doctoral Candidate in Jewish Education, Coordinator of Pardes Experiential Educators Program
The pedagogy of Kinyan Torah helps educators support all learners to find their own unique Torah within themselves.

The concept of Kinyan Torah is the Jewish idea of acquiring Torah, which I see as making Torah your own. The pedagogy of Kinyan Torah helps educators support all learners to find their own unique Torah within themselves. As Jewish educators, we can create the conditions to help learners discover their own Torah, and thus help them feel empowered and heard as Jews. A Jewish educator’s role in this process is to set up a learning environment where learners can find ways to express themselves and discover their own ideas and connections to Torah. In order to help learners interpret text, educators need to be prepared to listen and to ask questions that help them develop interpretations. Asking open-ended questions, listening, and offering follow-up questions can help students articulate and form their own ideas.

Ilana Gleicher-Bloom was the founding Vision Director of Mensch Academy at Mishkan Chicago and is currently working as an Educational Consultant to Mensch Academy, creating and leading professional development, coaching, and writing curriculum materials. She spent a year learning Torah at Midreshet Lindenbaum in Jerusalem, before starting at Brandeis University, where she graduated with a BA in both Near Eastern and Judaic Studies and English and American Literature. Ilana spent three more years living and studying in Jerusalem, where she was a Pardes Fellow at the Pardes Institute and a member of the inaugural cohort of the Melamdim Teacher Education Program at the Shalom Hartman Institute and Tel Aviv University. Before launching Mensch Academy, Ilana taught Talmud and Tanakh at Rochelle Zell Jewish High School in Deerfield, IL, and at the Heschel High School in New York City. She received the Pomegranate Prize from the Covenant Foundation honoring rising leaders in Jewish education. Ilana and her family recently moved to Jerusalem, where they have been exploring and getting to know every ice cream shop in the city.


A Pedagogy of the 48: Connecting Pirkei Avot, LIfe, and Learning

Dr. Gila Silverman

Director of Jewish Lifelong Learning
Siegel Lifelong Learning, Case Western Reserve University

This pedagogy invites participants to consider how the 48 different ways of “acquiring Torah” resonates with them

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L’Shem Yichud: A Pedagogy For the Sake of Integration

Rabbi Jesse Paikin

Executive Director, Base

L’shem Yichud: For the Sake of Integration is a pedagogy based on an ancient practice of intention setting.

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Machloket-i: A Personal, Professional Development Program

Edward Magiste

The Temple Tifereth Israel

Designed as a professional development strategy, this pedagogy of Machloket targets veteran educators asking to develop their teaching and ideas

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Loving Goodness: A Pedagogy through Individuality and Belonging

Charles Herman

Former Executive Director & Founder
The Nesiya Institute

The pedagogy of Loving Goodness explores the tension between self-love and the love of the other

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The Pedagogy of Argument

Robbie Gringras

Co-Founder and Co-Director
For the Sake of Argument

The Pedagogy of Argument seeks to develop learners who are passionate about debates

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Insourcing, Reflection, and the “Long, Short Path”

Chanie Chein

Co-Founder and Director
Chabad at Brandeis and M54

The pedagogy of reflection focuses on acquiring the language and tools to learn from existing experiences, habits and choices, at appropriate life stages

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