Home Resources נענוע (Na’anua): A Pedagogy of Jewish Transformative Movement
March 2024

נענוע (Na’anua): A Pedagogy of Jewish Transformative Movement

Rabbanit Dalia Davis
Director of Pastoral Education
Using the transformative power of movement to feed the soul.

נענוע — Na’anua — A Pedagogy of Jewish Transformative Movement — is an approach that seeks to unite body and soul, guiding participants to invite their whole selves into their learning, prayer, and expressive spaces. Inspired by the verse in Psalms 35:10, כל־עַצְמוֹתַי תֹּאמַרְנָה ה’ מִי כָמוֹך — All my bones shall say, “Lord, who is like You!,
Na’anua does not intend to create specific images or tableaus but rather provides a pathway for participants to leave their valley of tears, whether it be a canyon or merely a dip in otherwise flat terrain. Na’anua includes those who are thriving, supporting, and sustaining their ongoing wellbeing. This pedagogy incorporates four elements: Mind המחשבה (Aravim); Soul הנשמה (Hadassim); Heart הלב (Etrog); and Body הגוף (Lulav). By uniting these elements, participants can experience healing and promote wellbeing in their places of Jewish education and spiritual encounter. These places may include Jewish summer camps, classrooms, adult study spaces, solo practice at home, or prayer gatherings.

Rabbanit Dalia Davis is the Director of Pastoral Education at SVIVAH. She is a Jewish educator, choreographer, and a graduate of the Yeshivat Maharat Advanced Kollel. Dalia majored in Jewish History and Dance at Barnard, studied in Israel at Nishmat, received an M.A. in Jewish Education from Y.U. and a Talmud and Halacha certificate from GPATS. Dalia is the creator of Beit Midrash in Motion and co-founder of Uprooted: A Jewish Response to Fertility Journeys. She currently lives in the Twin Cities and serves as a Jewish educator in a variety of settings including Congregation Darchei Noam, Hineni Adult Jewish Learning Program, Heilicher Minneapolis Jewish Day School, and Studio Inside Out. Previous positions include Rosh Beit Midrash for Berekeley's Merkavah Women’s Torah Institute, Melton course nstructor in Springfield, MA, and Jewish dance educator for the Foundation for Jewish Camps.


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