January 2022

The Pedagogy of Blessing/Berakhah

Lisa Goldstein
Rabbi, Teacher, Coach
Self-Employed New York, NY
Offering each other blessings has the power to transform both the one who blesses and those who receive it.

The pedagogy I am proposing is that of berakhah, the practice of offering a spontaneous, specific blessing to students at the end of each session as a way of developing a capacity for love and awe. The blessing offers a moment of reflection, connection, and holiness at the conclusion of a class. It may address the collective needs and aspirations that have arisen during the class. It may also be a way of translating the intellectual content of the class into a more emotional or soulful integration. The blessing may be given by the teacher. Over time, students may be invited into the practice as well.

Lisa is a master teacher and facilitator with almost 25 years of executive experience. Educated at Brown University and Hebrew Union College, she has worked as a congregational rabbi, the director of Hillel of San Diego, and most recently, as the Executive Director of the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. In addition to teaching Jewish mindfulness meditation, prayer and other Jewish spiritual practices at in-person retreats and groups, she has helped create and implement online learning programs, including self-paced highly produced courses. In recent months, she has been developing materials about spiritual qualities that help cultivate resilience. She lives in New York City with her husband and foster son.


A Pedagogy of the 48: Connecting Pirkei Avot, LIfe, and Learning

Dr. Gila Silverman

Director of Jewish Lifelong Learning
Siegel Lifelong Learning, Case Western Reserve University

This pedagogy invites participants to consider how the 48 different ways of “acquiring Torah” resonates with them

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L’Shem Yichud: A Pedagogy For the Sake of Integration

Rabbi Jesse Paikin

Executive Director, Base

L’shem Yichud: For the Sake of Integration is a pedagogy based on an ancient practice of intention setting.

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Machloket-i: A Personal, Professional Development Program

Edward Magiste

The Temple Tifereth Israel

Designed as a professional development strategy, this pedagogy of Machloket targets veteran educators asking to develop their teaching and ideas

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Loving Goodness: A Pedagogy through Individuality and Belonging

Charles Herman

Former Executive Director & Founder
The Nesiya Institute

The pedagogy of Loving Goodness explores the tension between self-love and the love of the other

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The Pedagogy of Argument

Robbie Gringras

Co-Founder and Co-Director
For the Sake of Argument

The Pedagogy of Argument seeks to develop learners who are passionate about debates

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Pedagogy of Kinyan Torah: Helping Students Develop Their Own Interpretations of Torah

Ilana Gleicher Bloom

Founder of Mensch Academy at Mishkan Chicago,
Doctoral Candidate in Jewish Education, Coordinator of Pardes Experiential Educators Program

The pedagogy of Kinyan Torah helps educators support all learners to find their own unique Torah within themselves.

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