Explore new jewish pedagogies
During M² Research Fellowships, each fellow develops a new educational practice that addresses the contemporary challenges in Jewish education. Explore and use them with your learners and colleagues.
Pedagogy of Nuance: Finding Comfort Through Storytelling
Devorah Levine Katz
Founder of Meshek48
The pedagogy of storytelling allows us to value nuance and new perspectives.
Aura Chaya Bitton-Gispan
Founder and Director
The Harmonium Sanctuary and Retreat Center
To engage in Regenerative Torah is to enter the relational ring of a personal encounter with the Divine.
Access ResourceCultivating Curiosity: A Jewish Pedagogy of Wellbeing
Rabbi Paul Cohen
Senior Rabbi
Temple Jeremiah
The pedagogy of cultivating curiosity allows us to become better versions of ourselves through creativity.
Access ResourceA Jewish Pedagogy of Creative Wellbeing: Connection through Wonder
Fraidy Aber
The Constance Wolf Director of Education and Civic Engagement
Contemporary Jewish Museum
Embracing the pedagogy of wonder can foster greater understanding and interconnectedness.
Access ResourceRega Shel Shtika: How Quieting Fosters Ethical Behavior
Rabbah Dr. Mira Neshama Weil
Founding Teacher
Reintroducing practices of silence within Jewish learning communities can foster ethical behavior.
Access ResourceA Pedagogy of Cultivating Joy
Jessie Gindea
Interim Head of School and Director of Judaics
Gordon School
The pedagogy of cultivating joy nurtures the souls of people who have the job of nurturing the souls of others.
Access ResourceAnava/Humility as a Pedagogy Toward Jewish Peoplehood
Rabbi Aytan Kadden
Teacher and Leadership Team Member
Ort Pelech Boys High School
The pedagogy of humility as taught using chevruta.
Access Resourceנענוע (Na’anua): A Pedagogy of Jewish Transformative Movement
Rabbanit Dalia Davis
Director of Pastoral Education
Using the transformative power of movement to feed the soul.
Access ResourcePedagogy of Farbrengen
Hashliach Peretz Chein
M54: Chief Strategy Office/Chabad of Brandeis: Executive Director
The Chasidic tradition of farbrengen and the practice of avoda pnimit offer meaning to the modern-day learner.
Access ResourceA Pedagogy of ‘Life Meets Text’
Rabbi Jen Gubitz
Founder, Educator
Modern JewISH Couples and Temple Shalom of Newton
Jewish experience is the key to bridging the gap between ancient wisdom and modern content.
Access ResourcePedagogy of Rootedness: Retrieving Rootedness and Building a Sense of Belonging
Dr. Dominika Zakrzewska Oledzka
Program Director
Living Bridge Institute for Intercultural & International Affairs
The pedagogy of rootedness stresses the importance of being aware of one’s heritage to create a sense of belonging and connection.
Access ResourceZakhor: A Pedagogy of Memory
Dr. Samantha Vinokor-Meinrath
Managing Director of Identity, Ideas and Adolescents
The Jewish Education Project
Zakhor is a pedagogy of memory through storytelling and embodied experiences.
Access ResourceThe Pedagogy of Storytelling
Bezawit Abebe
Research Fellow
Be'chol Lashon
The pedagogy of storytelling engages and connects both the storyteller and listener.
Access ResourceKaveh: A Pedagogy of Hope
Rabbi Amitai Fraiman
Director, The Z3 Project
Oshman Family JCC
The pedagogy of hope aims to embody the role of hope in Jewish peoplehood and create a shared consciousness.
Access ResourcePeoplehood Orientation: Nurturing Klal Yisrael Through Torah Study
Laynie Soloman
Associate Rosh Yeshiva & Director of Transformative Leadership
SVARA: A Traditionally Radical Yeshiva
Nurturing Klal Yisrael Through Torah Study
Access ResourceThe Story of Israel Through Hasidic Storytelling: Bridging Reality and Hope
Dr. Yakir Englander
Senior Director of Leadership
Israel American Council (IAC)
Learning to tell one’s own Israel story using the Hasidic storytelling tradition.
Access ResourceSpeaking Jewish: Using Language to Build Identity and Jewish Peoplehood
Rabbi Josh Weinberg
VP for Israel and Reform Zionism
Union for Reform Judaism (URJ)
“Language is a key to identity and culture.” — Dr. Jeremy Benstein
Access ResourceThe Pedagogy of Interpersonal Hiyuv: What Are Our Obligations to Others?
Rabbi Joshua Mikutiks
Director of Design and Jewish Learning
JDC Entwine
A pedagogy that asks us to consider what our obligations are to ourselves and others.
Access ResourceWho am I? Who are We? Learning About Jewish Peoplehood by Facing Difference and Fostering Belonging
Maia Ferdman
Bridges Intergroup Relations Consulting
The pedagogy of learning about Jewish peoplehood by facing difference and fostering belonging
Access ResourceA Jewish Pedagogy of Responsiveness
Dr. Sandra Anusiewicz-Baer
Chief Operating Officer
Zacharias Frankel College
The pedagogy of responsiveness strives to strengthen the sense of Jewish peoplehood through the practice of writing teshuvot.
Access ResourcePedagogy of the Word: Jewish Writing Practice for Increased Wellbeing
Naama Sadan
PhD Student in Environmental Studies
UC Berkeley & the Hebrew University
The pedagogy of the word as a tool to achieving inner balance
Access ResourceLe’hitatef: A Pedagogy of Enveloping
Dr. Andrea Lieber
Professor of Religion & Judaic Studies
Dickinson College
Le’hitatef- an invitation to approach Jewish learning as an embodied experience.
Access ResourceThe Pedagogy of Mikveh: Removing Barriers in Pursuit of Deep Human Connection
Faith Brigham Leener
Founder, Base Movement and Chief Innovation Officer, Pardes Institute
The ritual of mikvah as a framework for cultivating inspired communication
Access ResourceDavar Acher: Pedagogy of Multi-Stories
Cantor Rabbi Robert Jury
Founder & Clinical Director
Tikvah Center for Jewish Recovery & Healing
Davar Acher as a Jewish pedagogy of multi-stories
Access ResourceThe Giving Well: A Pedagogy of Ritualized Tzedakah
Rabbi Neil Janes
Rabbi, Teacher, Lecturer
SBJC (South Bucks Jewish Community), Clore Shalom School,Leo Baeck College
Ritualised giving of tzedakah focuses on the act of giving, the spiritual connection to the Divine and to humanity, and the impact on wellbeing
Access ResourceLet Your Body Learn: An Embodied Pedagogy
Rabbi Dr. Yechiel Hoffman
Independent Consultant and Educator
YH Consulting
The Let Your Body Learn pedagogy provides an opportunity to ritualize embodied learning on a regular basis.
Access ResourceHaburah as a Jewish Pedagogy of Wellbeing
Rabbi Dr. Meesh Hammer Kossoy
Director, Year Program
Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies
How the pedagogy of Haburot, a learning community, can increase individual and group wellbeing
Access ResourceThe Pedagogy of Names
Kimberly Dueñas
Community Manager and Founding Member
Jewtina y. Co.
Exploring names as an opportunity to welcome the learner as ‘whole’
Access ResourcePedagogy of the Bridge: Shema As Our Talisman in Facing Fear, Our Walking Stick Through Life’s Hard Stuff
Rabbi Michelle Dardashti
Kane Street Synagogue
Shema as a mantra for facing our fears and emerging more confident, courageous and whole
Access ResourceA Pedagogy of Cleansing: How Purifying and “Lifting” the Hands is Connected to Wellbeing
Rabbi Daniel Brenner
Vice President - Education
Moving Traditions
The ritual of handwashing - Netiylat Yadaim - through the lens of dance/movement education
Access ResourceA Pedagogy of the 48: Connecting Pirkei Avot, LIfe, and Learning
Dr. Gila Silverman
Director of Jewish Lifelong Learning
Siegel Lifelong Learning, Case Western Reserve University
This pedagogy invites participants to consider how the 48 different ways of “acquiring Torah” resonates with them
Access ResourceL’Shem Yichud: A Pedagogy For the Sake of Integration
Rabbi Jesse Paikin
Executive Director, Base
L’shem Yichud: For the Sake of Integration is a pedagogy based on an ancient practice of intention setting.
Access ResourceMachloket-i: A Personal, Professional Development Program
Edward Magiste
The Temple Tifereth Israel
Designed as a professional development strategy, this pedagogy of Machloket targets veteran educators asking to develop their teaching and ideas
Access ResourceLoving Goodness: A Pedagogy through Individuality and Belonging
Charles Herman
Former Executive Director & Founder
The Nesiya Institute
The pedagogy of Loving Goodness explores the tension between self-love and the love of the other
Access ResourceThe Pedagogy of Argument
Robbie Gringras
Co-Founder and Co-Director
For the Sake of Argument
The Pedagogy of Argument seeks to develop learners who are passionate about debates
Access ResourcePedagogy of Kinyan Torah: Helping Students Develop Their Own Interpretations of Torah
Ilana Gleicher Bloom
Founder of Mensch Academy at Mishkan Chicago,
Doctoral Candidate in Jewish Education, Coordinator of Pardes Experiential Educators Program
The pedagogy of Kinyan Torah helps educators support all learners to find their own unique Torah within themselves.
Access ResourceInsourcing, Reflection, and the “Long, Short Path”
Chanie Chein
Co-Founder and Director
Chabad at Brandeis and M54
The pedagogy of reflection focuses on acquiring the language and tools to learn from existing experiences, habits and choices, at appropriate life stages
Access ResourceV’ahavtah: A Pedagogy of Love (Learning to Love the Student You Hate)
Dasee Berkowitz
Lead Consultant, Facilitator and Educator
Dasee Berkowitz Consulting
The V’Ahavtah : A pedagogy of love is aimed to help educators love the students they dislike
Access ResourceHebrew Calligraphy: A Pedagogy for Developing Closeness with Text
Daniel Abramson
Curriculum Development Director of the Tikkun Project
The Leo Baeck Day School
Explore and experiment with Hebrew letters and text
Access ResourceTokhahah: A Pedagogy of Loving Rebuke
Ari Weiss
Executive Director
Cornell Hillel Ithaca, NY
Loving rebuke, a pedagogy that embraces disagreement, can be transformative and even holy.
Access ResourceJewish Place and Positionality: A Choreography of Pedagogical Practice
Yoshi Silverstein
Founder & Executive Director
Mitsui Collective Cleveland, OH
A Choreography of Pedagogical Practice - By engaging intentionally with spatial dynamics, Jewish educators can elevate learning through powerful embodied practices.
Access ResourcePedagogy of Mutual Humanization
Jon Adam Ross
Co-Founding Artist & Managing Director
The In[HEIR]itance Project New York, NY
A pedagogy of mutual humanization places relationships at the center of the educational experience.
Access ResourceContemporary Poetry As A Sacred Jewish Text
Jake Marmer
Education & Programming Director
Bronfman Fellowship Stanford, CA
Learning poetry as sacred text can infuse educational spaces with intimacy and communal connection.
Access ResourceParents As Learners, Teachers and Partners In Their Children’s Jewish Education
Simon Klarfeld
Self-Employed Teaneck, NJ
It may have taken a pandemic to remind us that the home provides a critically important place for education.
Access ResourceThe Pedagogy of Asking: A Methodology for Crafting Artful Questions
Leah Kahn
Senior Director, Meyerhoff Center for Jewish Experience
Hillel International
When asking questions, a clear and intentional approach can make a world of difference in our students minds and hearts.
Access ResourceCreating Sacred Space
Shira Hecht-Koller
Director of Education
Values in Action, M²: The Institute for Experiential Jewish Education
When we plan our educational spaces with deliberation and intention we can make room for the sacred.
Access ResourceThe Pedagogy of Blessing/Berakhah
Lisa Goldstein
Rabbi, Teacher, Coach
Self-Employed New York, NY
Offering each other blessings has the power to transform both the one who blesses and those who receive it.
Access ResourceLeSha: Lemida Sh’Goreret Ahavah: Learning That Leads to Love
Adam Eilath
Head of School
Ronald C. Wornick Jewish Day School Foster City, CA
A pedagogy that utilizes educational experiences to cultivate love between students in a Jewish classroom.
Access Resource(Midrashic) Petichta Pedagogy
Marta Eichelberger-Jankowska
Jerusza (Yerusha) Program Director
Taube Center for the Renewal of Jewish Life in Poland Foundation Warsaw, Poland
The midrashic form of the Petichta invites an approach to pedagogy that embraces difference.
Access ResourceA Pedagogy of Siyyum
Rabbi Rachel Bovitz
Executive Director
Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning
A pedagogy of siyyum can help raise up a new generation of Jewish learners who feel connected to their heritage in a meaningful, creative way.
Access ResourceChazarah and Shinun: Reviewing To The Point of Mastery
Chana Silberstein
Educational Director
Rotiman Chabad Center at Cornell University Ithaca, NY
Reviewing To The Point of Mastery - A pedagogy of review and mastery can create a sense of deep ownership and connection.
Access Resource